Title: "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus"
Author: Mo Willems
Grade: A+
Would you let a Pigeon drive a bus? This is the question I always ask my kindergarteners before I read this book for the first time. The answers always vary, but most will laugh and say "No!!". Mo Willems has created a book where children get to yell one of their very favorite word over and over "NO!". In "Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" readers are asked in many differnet situations if they would let a very persuasive large, blue, one-eyed, Pigeon if he could drive the bus. It is simple, but effective is getting young readers involved in a story. I have loved all of the Pigeon books that Mo Willems has written so much, that I themed my classroom after his book characters. They have become one of the things my previous students remember about their time in my classroom-the Pigeon books. There are several more Pigeon books in the series, but this is the first and one of my favorites. It is guaranteed to keep your young readers laughing and begging for your to read it again!
Thanks for visiting my class booknook!
Miss Ripcurl